Who we are
Red Aikido Aikikai, A.C. (Aikido Aikikai Network) is an organization Officially Recognized by the Aikikai Foundation of Tokyo, Japan, which has the goals:
– to promote Aikido within the country with excellent teaching and training;
– to organize, supervise and evaluate Aikido practitioners;
– to structure a capacity building of the human resources for Aikido teaching.

Promote the practice, structure, and qualified evaluation of children, young people, and adults who enjoy the Aikido practice in Mexico.
To be an option of excellence and a reference of quality in the training of Aikido practitioners in Mexico, making available representative learning experiences at the national and international levels, recognizing and rewarding the efforts of each of our practitioners.
Honour, Excellence, Commitment, Sincerity, Professionalism.
Our logo

The logo of the Red Aikido Aikikai, A.C. (Aikido Aikikai Network) comes from the Mixteca culture heritage of Mexico, where the main insignia is the Yanhuitlán Pectoral (known as Chimalli), which has a great symbolic value as it represents a military shield that links two fretwokrs – gold and turquoise – symbolically jointing together war, sun, and water.* This is the origin of the idea to link symbolically two cultures, such the Mexican and the Japanese through Aikido as the way of balance and harmony of human being with dialy practice.
This logo of the Red Aikido AIkikai, A.C. (Aikido Aikikai Network) joins together the Aikido in Mexico through its both promotion and practice of quality improvement.
* Source: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), Mexico.
Meet us
We invite you to know more about the Red Aikido Aikikai, A.C. (Aikido Aikikai Network), through the organization of its Events and Seminars at the national and international level; its Affiliated Dojos; and how you can join the Network.

Armando Hinojosa – sensei
President of the Red Aikido Aikikai, A.C.
6th Dan Aikikai, black belt

Joel Hernández – sensei
Founder & Vice-president of the Red Aikido Aikikai, A.C.
5th Dan Aikikai, black belt
Our contact details
Red Aikido Aikikai, A.C.
+52 (55) 5519-6733